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发表于 2024-2-19 17:05:21 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
170. go 熟义:vi. 去,变得
This information goes to prove my point. vi.对...有助
It goes by electricity. vi.机器运行,运转,工作
The sofa can go against the wall.沙发可靠墙安放。
Pink and orangeicon don't go.粉红色与橘色不相配。
He is getting old and his sight is starting to go.他老了,视力也下降了。

171.get away with 熟义:带着……逃跑
The child ought to be punished.You shouldn't let himicon get away with telling lies.(做坏事)不受惩罚

172. get back 熟义:回来/去,拿回来/去
He will get back at you for this. 报复

173. get down 写下;使情绪低落,身体虚弱 熟义:下来,使下来
All this waiting and delay is really getting her down.这漫长的等待与拖延使她疲惫不堪了。

174.get down to着手干某事 (勿望文生义)
It's time I got down to marking the papers.是我开始批改试卷的时候了。

175. get off 熟义:下车,离开,动身
I'll have to get this letter off by tonight.今晚我一定得把信寄出去。
I'll pay anything you ask if you manage to get her off. 如果你能使她不受惩罚,你要什么我就可以给什么。

176. get on(with)=get along(with)进展 熟义:与……相处
How are you getting on at university?你在大学情况如何?

177. get through 用完;(使)通过(考试、议案) 熟义:接通(电话)
He got through £300in a week.他一周就用完了三百英镑。

178. give away泄露(机密);暴露(身份);出卖(朋友) 熟义:赠送
Please don't give my secret away.请不要泄露我的机密。

179. give out宣布;被用完;运转失灵 熟义:散发(传单)等
He gave out that he was going to America.他宣布他要去美国。
The fuel gave out.燃料用完了。

180. given(=considering) prep.考虑到(熟义:被给予)
Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.从他的总体健康状况来看,可能手术后要一段时间才会恢复。

181.go out 熄灭,公开,播放 熟义:出去
The fire went out.火熄了。
Word went out that the President was dead.总统逝世的消息公开了。

182.as good as差不多,几乎 熟义:与……一样好
He as good as said I was a liar. 他实际上等于说我在说谎。

183. make good 成功,补偿, 赔偿(勿望文生义)
All the damage has been made good.所有损失都已赔偿。
He went to Shenzhen, where he soon made good.他去了深圳,在那里不久就成功了

184. grade 熟义:n. 年级
He got excellent grades in exams. n.分数,等级
Eggs are grade from small to extra-large. v.分等,给分数

185. green 熟义:adj. 绿色的,青的
Greensicon are vital to our health. n.绿色蔬菜

181.ground n.理由(熟义:地面)
He has strong grounds for more money.他完全有理由要更多的钱。
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