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发表于 2024-2-6 21:48:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
120. easy 熟义:容易的
Now we are leading an easy life.adj.舒适的,安分的,轻松的

121. elect 熟义:v. 选举,推选
She elected to become a lawyer. v. 选择/决定做……

122. embarrass 熟义:vt. 使尴尬
What embarrasses your making an early start? vt. 阻碍

123. employ 熟义:v. 雇佣
The police employed force to open the door. v. 使用,利用

124. engage 熟义:vt.icon 从事
A personal computer engages his interest now. vt. 吸引

125. escape 熟义:逃走
His name escaped me for the moment.v.被忘记,一时想不起

126. eat one’s words收回前言,认错道歉(切勿望文生义,解为“食言”)
He boasted that he would throw me downstairs;but I made him eat his words.他吹嘘说他要把我抛下楼去,但我叫他收回他的话了。

127. entertain 熟义:vt. 款待
He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world. vt. 怀有,抱有

128. example 熟义:例子,榜样
Let this be an exampleicon to you.n.警告

129. express 熟义:v.表达
His express wish was that you should come here by express train.adj.明确的,快的,丝毫不差的;n.快车

130. even 熟义:adv 甚至,更
The road wasn’t even. adj.平坦的,平的,平滑的
Her teeth were white and even. adj. 齐的,同样的,一致的
The score is now even. adj.相等的,对等的,均等的
The car went with an even motion. adj.均匀的,平稳的
She evened the edges by trimming(清理焊缝)them. vt. 弄平,使平坦
Our team evened the score in the last minute. vt. 使相等

131.excite 熟义:vt. 使激动
The recent discoveries have excited new interest among doctors. vt. 激起

132. excuse 熟义:n 借口 v. 原谅
He was excused from piano practice. vt.免除某人的职务

133. express 熟义:v. 表达
His express wish was that you should come here by air. adj. 明确的
Is there an express from Nanjing to Shanghai? n.快车

134. encourage 熟义:vt. 鼓励,激励
Good health encourages clear thinking. v. 促进,助长,刺激

135. enterprise 熟义:n. 公司,企业单位,事业单位
He got the job because he showed the spirit of enterprise. n. 事业心,进取心

136. escape 熟义:v. 逃跑,逃脱
His name escapes me for the moment. v.被忘掉,被忽视

137. exit 熟义:v. 出去,离去 n. 出口
At the end of the third scene the actress exits. v. 退场

138. explode 熟义:v. 爆炸,爆裂
I'm about to explode! He broke my violin. v.勃然大怒,大发雷霆

139. exploit 熟义:v. 开发,开采,剥削
You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. v.利用

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