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发表于 2024-2-18 20:27:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
151. fill 熟义:v. 填满
His answer did not fill our need. vt. 满足

152. find 熟义:vt.找到
The court found himicon guilty. vt. 判决

153. fine 熟义:adj. 美好的,很棒的,晴朗的
There's a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words. adj. 微妙的
The man will get a fine if he parks the carthere. n. 罚款

154. fix 熟义:v. 固定,安装,修理
The extraordinary man fixed our attention. vt.吸引

155. flood 熟义:洪水
I received a flood of letters this morning. n.大量的东西;vt.大量而来,充满

156. fond 熟义:adj. 喜欢的,慈爱的,深情的
Fond parents will spoil their child. adj.溺爱的

157. force 熟义:vt. 强迫
The policeman forced the knife from the criminal's hand. vt. 夺取

158. for every每……就……(表示比例关系)(切勿望文生义)
For every Mr Winter,we have 5 to 10 people that will never be given the chance that Mr Winter was given.我们给了一个(捐赠肝脏)给温特尔先生,那么就有5至10个人得不到温特尔先生所得到的机会。

159.for good 永远(勿望文生义)
She'll soon leave Londonicon for good.她将永远离开伦敦。

160.foreign和……格格不入 熟义:外国的
The subject is foreign to me.不熟悉;
Telling lies is foreign to her nature. adj.和...格格不入的

161. form 熟义:vt. 形成
I can not form an opinion about it. vt. 想出

162. free没有,免交;远离(常与of连用) 熟义:自由的,有空的
Most of the roads are free of snow.道路上的雪大部分都已化了。
Is the way free? adj. 畅通的,无阻碍的

163. freeze 熟义:冻结,冻冰
Freeze!Drop your arms!v.不许动,停止走动

164. fade 熟义:v. 褪色
All memory of her childhood had faded fromher mind. v. 逐渐消失

165. fly 熟义:v. 飞,飞翔,飞行 n. 苍蝇icon
The children flew to meet their mother.icon v. 疾驰,疾行

166. freshicon 熟义:adj. 新鲜的
She is quite fresh to office work . adj. 无经验的

167. follow v. 跟着;仿效
He followed me a legal career. v. 从事(某职业);遵循(某生活方式)

168. gain 熟义:v. 获得,赢得
Don't worry. My watch gains. We still have time.icon v. 表走的快
The car gained speed gradually. vt.增加(速度或重量)

169.game 熟义:游戏,比赛
Are you game to climb the mountain?adj.愿意(去做难而危险之事)的
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